Our Board

Ready Set is governed by a highly skilled and experienced Board who come from diverse yet aligned business backgrounds. 

Naomi Fox


Naomi Fox

Naomi has been Chair since 2020 bringing over 25 years’ experience in human capital and organisational development, working with companies in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom.

Naomi’s journey with Ready Set initially started as a volunteer stylist/dresser and she then worked with the Board to develop the organisation’s 2019-23 strategy before stepping in as Chair.

She was awarded a scholarship for the Women’s Board Leadership Program in partnership with the AICD and the Victorian Government’s Office for Women in 2022 in recognition of her work to enable Ready Set realise its mission.

Jacki McAvenna


Jacki McAvenna

Jacki is a chartered accountant and the Founder of We are Lumen, a financial management and accounting firm that works with impact organisations and values-driven businesses. In 2016 Jacki made a decision to leave the corporate world behind and now uses her experience to serve not-for-profit and other values-driven organisations. She has long been a supporter of Ready Set and we are thrilled that she will be joining our Board as well as supporting our financial processes through We Are Lumen in 2024.

Elizabeth Redfern

Director/Volunteer Representative

Elizabeth Redfern

Elizabeth Redfern was elected to the Ready Set board in August 2021 as a Volunteer Representative. 

Originally from the UK, Elizabeth moved to Australia from Hong Kong in October 2016 and commenced volunteering with Ready Set in 2017. She has over twenty years’ experience in the fields of publishing, marketing and communications, and business development. 

She currently volunteers at Ready Set as both a dresser and career coach and loves helping people restart their work journey. Along with her professional expertise, Elizabeth brings the voice of the volunteers to the Board, helping ensure strong connectivity between the volunteer base and the strategic decisions made by the Board.

Liam Hayes


Liam Hayes

Liam joined the Ready Set board in 2016 and is also the Chief People Officer at Aurecon. 

He loves the impact Ready Set has on so many lives. The combination of his professional background and his passion for seeing people succeed enables Liam to contribute actively in guiding Ready Set’s volunteer and staff management.

Margot Stevenson


Margot Stevenson

Margot started volunteering at Ready Set in 2017 as a career coach, helping clients to build their confidence; supporting them on their journey towards employment, and realizing their potential. Two years later in 2019 she joined the Ready Set Board. 

Margot is currently the General Manager, People and Culture at Nextt, a disability and mental health service provider with 1500 employees nationally. 

Passionate about the work she does at Nextt and Ready Set, Margot is proud to be part of organisations making a positive impact on the lives of less advantaged people in our community.


Veronica Belot

Veronica is Acting Lead Counsel in the Workplace Relations and OH&S Branch of the Victorian Government Solicitor's Office (VGSO) and is also Lead of the VGSO's Diversity and Inclusion Committee whose overarching purpose is to ensure that VGSO is a diverse and inclusive place to work.

Veronica has broad and longstanding experience in workplace relations, having worked in private practice, employee and employer associations, Commonwealth Government Agencies and the Fair Work Commission. Veronica is also the former Chair of the Law Institute of Victoria's Workplace Relations Section's Executive Committee and President (now Secretary) of the Kew Toy Library. Veronica is enrolled to complete the AICD Company Directors Course in April 2024.

Veronica joined Ready Set in 2023 because of her genuine passion for the organisation and specifically the way it assists people to find meaningful employment whilst also creating a more sustainable environment and future for all.

Edmund Waters

Company Secretary

Edmund Waters

Edmund joined the Ready Set Board as Company Secretary in 2020 and is also the Deputy Company Secretary of a major Australian profit-for-member superannuation fund. 

Edmund is also a qualified Australian lawyer with over a decade of in-house experience in regulatory, litigation, employment law, privacy and mergers and acquisitions. 

Edmund is keen to support people to achieve their career goals and is committed to Ready Set’s mission to make a positive impact on the lives of jobseekers.